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How to Plant seeds inside in 10 Easy Steps


Step 1:

Completely fill your seed tray or modular tray with moist, peat-free compost, being sure to fill all the corners.

Step 2:

Carefully compact the compost to a level surface below the rim.

Step 3:

Pour a few seeds into your palm, then equally and thinly distribute them with your fingers.

Step 4:

Lightly cover the seeds with compost by sieving it on top; often, only as deep as the seed.

Step 5:

Water sparingly to prevent knocking the seeds loose.

Don't forget to use Mary and June's Garden products, so that you get your seeds off to a great start early on.

Step 6:

Write the seeds' names and the date they were sown on the container's label.

Step 7:

To help maintain moisture, cover the container with clear plastic, glass, or cling film.

Step 8:

Put the seed in a warm area where it can sprout, like a windowsill or greenhouse. The seed packets should mention what temperature is required for growth.

Step 9:

Regularly check the seed tray since sprouting seedlings will soon appear.

Step 10:

Your seeds have germinated.


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